*SME Revenue
For real estate companies with balance sheet less than 5M€
For real estate companies with balance sheet over 5M€
"I was among the first to become interested in the esgResilience service and had the opportunity to provide feedback on its usability from the housing companies’ perspective. The forms designed for climate risk mapping were easy and clear to fill in. The service provided an interesting overall picture and summary of the housing company's emissions and climate risks. In my opinion it was very useful to have the opportunity to participate in the development of this sustainability service and reporting from the real estate perspective."
"The esgResilience questionnaires tailored for assessing the sustainability of a company's business operations were relatively quick and simple to fill out. The report delivered by the service was easy to understand and, from the respondent's perspective, provided interesting information with surprisingly little effort. Going through the sustainability questions and report was very educational and helps us focus on the material things in sustainable business development. We recognize that these matters will increasingly attract the attention of our customers and other stakeholders in the future."
"Responding to the esgResilience survey and reviewing the report was useful, indicating our company’s main sources of GHG emissions and where we should focus our efforts regarding sustainable business development. We also learned more about climate risks and key concepts related to sustainability reporting. We felt that responding to the questionnaires and going through the report was good preparation for the future, as tightening sustainability reporting requirements will also impact SMEs through stakeholders."