esgResilience helps

  • Map the emissions, taxonomy resilience and other ESG factors of your company and housing association easily and cost-effectively
  • Ensure access to finance for investment and operational development
  • To examine the eligibility of future investments for green finance
  • Communicate to customers and other key stakeholders about your company’s sustainability and climate actions
  • Capitalise on the growth opportunities offered by the green transition

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How does the service work?

Order the esgResilience reporting service for your company / housing association from our webshop. After placing your order, you will receive your credentials by email and you will be able to log in to the service.

The service allows you to calculate your carbon footprint (CO2 emissions), review the sustainability of your business (EU taxonomy), map your climate risk profile and other ESG factors quickly and easily. The sectoral questionnaires have been designed to be as understandable and easy to answer as possible.

The report provided by the esgResilience service allows you to compare your results with industry and country-specific climate targets.

Why esgResilience?

A company’s climate resilience is the ability to cope with change and turn challenges and external crises into opportunities that strengthen sustainable competitiveness. As a result of climate change, many industries will be disrupted. Identifying and preparing for this and other external risks, i.e. strengthening resilience, lays the foundations for sustainable business development.

The climate impact of businesses and investments will increasingly affect the availability and price of finance. Stricter regulatory requirements mean that banks and financial institutions need to understand the sustainability impact of their customers’ business. Development funding and business grants are also increasingly being directed towards businesses that support the green transition and mitigate climate change.

esgResilience provides a comprehensive climate risk profile. We combine company emissions, EU taxonomy calculation, ESG mapping and sectoral climate targets into a single analysis. The climate risk profile and ESG analysis produced by the tool enables you to communicate the climate impacts and sustainability of your business to funders and other key stakeholders.

ESG includes environmental responsibility, social responsibility and good governance practices. The service covers in particular the company’s climate risk profile, but also the mapping of other key ESG factors. Additional functionalities will be added as the requirements of the financial sector become clearer. The esgResilience tool includes the EU’s sustainable finance rating system, the Taxonomy Regulation, which aims to encourage financiers to favour more climate resilient investments. The taxonomy classification is used to determine which economic activities are climate sustainable.

SME, assess your risk profile

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